Livingston IRX Configuration Basics

This document addresses basic configuration of Livingston's IRX router. It is not intended as a complete guide but merely as a step in the right direction.

Connecting a console to the router

The console port on any Livingston product is always the port designated S0. This is an asynchronous port and can be programmed for modem operation if desired. To return this port to "diagnostic mode", move DIP switch number 1 to the "UP" or "ON" position and power cycle the unit. This returns S0 to the default settings of 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. In order to connect a console (such as a dumb terminal), a null modem is required.

Programming the router

Once the console is connected, hitting return should bring up a "Console login:" prompt. Enter "!root" as the username. If the router is new or has been returned to factory default settings (See Appendix 1: "Restoring Default Configuration"), there will be no password and you may press return at the password prompt. Otherwise, enter the password you have previously set. If you have lost this password and are at console, it is possible to recover it. For information on this procedure, reffer to Appendix 2: Recovering a lost password. On a new router, you will be at a "Command>" prompt. At this point, you have unrestricted access to the router.

Programming begins with setting global configuration parameters beginning with the name of the router. This is entirely for human consumption and is controlled through "set sysname WORD", where WORD is the name you wish to assign to this router. This name will replace the "Command" in the router's prompt and can be usefull when the router is deployed to help you distinguish one router from another when initiating administrative logins via telnet.

The next step in configuration is to set a password for the router via "set password WORD". This will be the password used when a login is attempted to the router itself (via the !root login name wether at console or via telnet to the router.)

The router's ethernet address is set with "set address <ip address> <netmask>". The netmask can be changed if necessary by "set netmask <netmask>". Livingston products default to a "Zero byte" broadcast address instead of an all 1s broadcast address. To change this to the latter, use "set broadcast high". When changing the ethernet address, the router should be rebooted (via "reboot") after saving the configuration. This assures that there are no stale ARP entries in the router and adjoining equipment.

If necessary, configure the router to use DNS and set a nameserver and loghost. By default, Livingston products are configured to use NIS to obtain nameservice information. To change this to traditional Domain Name Service, use "set namesvc dns" and then assign a nameserver with "set nameserver <ip address>". A log host can be specified by entering "set log <ip address>".

Here is a summary of the commands entered so far:

set sysname Router
set pass foobar
set address
set netmask
set broadcast high
set namesvc dns
set nameserver

At this point, each interface can be configured. The different models of IRX routers contain a different set of interfaces. a 114 contains one ethernet interface, one asynchronous interface, and four synchronous interfaces (1, 1, 4). The synchronous interfaces on an IRX 114 are arranged so that two (S1 and S3) will operate at high speeds (up to T1, 1,544K) and two (S2 and S4) will operate at low speeds (up to 64K). Please remember this when connecting devices to the router.

All livingston router products come with support for PPP and Frame Relay. Basic configuration involves setting a network type on the port, selecting a protocol, and configuring the protocol specific information. For PPP and Frame connections, the network type should be "hardwired". It should be noted that order of commands can be important as some commands will undo others.

For an unnumbered PPP connection, the following set of commands can be used.

set s1 network hardwire
set s1 dest
set s1 netmask
set gateway

Note that no protocol line is present as PPP is the default protocol.

For a numbered PPP connection, simply add "set s1 address <ip address>" and insert an appropriate address.

For frame relay, the configuration is not much more complicated:

set s1 network hardwire
set s1 proto frame
set s1 address
set s1 netmask
set s1 lmi 10
set gateway

With frame relay, LMI (Link Management Interface) data can be used to determine which DLCIs are active and the address of the router attached to each DLCI. However, when equipment from different vendors is on the other end of that PVC (most notably cisco), LMI may not function correctly and will not deliver the IP address. In such cases, a static DLCI list can be used to either set or supplement the dynamic list generated. The form of this list is DLCI#:IP address. In the above configuration, assume that a router with IP address is attached to DLCI 16. To create a static entry for this router, enter "set s1 DLCI 16:".

Which DLCIs are active and their associated addresses can be determined once the connection is established by entering "show arp frm1".

To save all configuration information entered, at any time, enter "save all".

Appendix 1: Restoring Default Configuration

To restore a router to default configuration, login to the router and enter the following command:

set register 0xffff 0x0102

Newer versions of ComOS accept the command "erase config" to accomplish this task.

After a few seconds, it should respond: Successfully formatted FLASH in slot 2.

Reboot the portmaster without saving any configuration information and you're done.

This procedure is documented on page 3-14 of the Command Line Administrator's manual.

Flash 2 contains the portmaster configuration files.. without the files, it assigns default values.

Appendix 2: Recovering a Lost Password

To recover a lost password, login as "!root" on console and enter enter "override" as the password. Call livingston at 800-458-9966 and ask for tech support. Tell them you're trying to recover a lost password. The terminal server or router will issue a 16 character challenge string at you.. read this off character for character to the tech support rep. You should be back at a login prompt in the portmaster, enter !root and the 16 character response you were given by tech support. If the response is accepted, you will be logged into the router or terminal server and can proceed to set a new administrative password.

Please note that the challenge is time sensitive. It is a good idea to call tech support before you get the challenge.

Password recovery is documented on page 19-11 of PortMaster Configuration Guide.

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